Martin Sebalt

W trakcie wyprawy z okazji stulecia skautingu, mieliśmy okazję poznać lepiej skautów z innych krajów - tak samo oni mieli okazję zobaczyć, jaki jest ZHR. Jednego z naszych nowych przyjaciół poprosiliśmy o spisanie wrażeń, jakie wywarła na nim nasza organizacja.

For I had the chance to get in contact with scouts from various european countries the last few years.I have some overview to compare. But this statement does not want to make any rating between countries or organisations. Because of its limited length it can only show a few aspects.

For deeper discussions I recommend to take part in the ZHR International Academy!
In general I have the impression that most people from Poland are spontaneous and curious about discovering new things. On the other hand they are in some aspects very traditional, which is not meant in a negative way!
Both things can be seen very good in ZHR:
There are activities like International Academy to get in contact with other countries scouts. Every guest gets a very heartfelt welcome on polish camps.
For traditional aspects I always enjoy the polish ognisko (camp fire) with its beginning and closing rituals. Another traditional aspect is the polish uniform, which is of great importance for polish scouts, also because of its historical origin.
In this case ZHR is quite similar to Pfadfinderbund Weltenbummler (our uniform has a different history, of course. But it is also very important to us).
The whole mixture makes polish-ZHR-scouting a little bit different to other countries scouts, which is worth to be explored.
For me as a member of interkonfessional scouts, the religious life on polish camps is something we do not have in this intensity. So it is very impressive to celebrate holy service in the free nature.

Personally I am proud to have some friends in Poland, although politicans always talk about the  difficult relationship  between Poland an Germany. But on the level of scouting it does not seem to be difficult at all!

Alltogether it is worth to get an own impression of polish scouting. A united Europe should not only exist in its laws and regulations, but also with real friendship on personal level between the countries. Scouts are the best way to establish those connections.


Martin Sebalt "Einstein", Pfadfinderbund Weltenbummler